segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2014
Observation: Applied Research/Master’s degree Thesis Seminar
We participat in a meeting with the students of Master degree presented their propouse on project os aplied research.
Visit: Tampere Council
We visit the counsil of Tamopere with Riitta Juusenaho.
She spoke about interationa among school, universities and city council.
She spoke about interationa among school, universities and city council.
Tampere City and educational development.
Dr. Riitta Juusenaho
Aleksis Kiven katu 14 - 16 C, Tampere
5th floor, room 1
Research: Tredea
WE went to TREDEA interwied Merja Telenius
She works wit enterpreneurs when they want create a enterprise most of them are individual, some of them are rising a cooperaive. She also helps stuents and teachers when they are creating a cooperativ at schools and universities in Tampere region.
She works wit enterpreneurs when they want create a enterprise most of them are individual, some of them are rising a cooperaive. She also helps stuents and teachers when they are creating a cooperativ at schools and universities in Tampere region.
Research: association reindeer herder rovaniemi
I interwied Matti Särkelä, Head of Office, Reindeer Herders' Associationon Friday 12/12.
They also looking ways to improve earn to reindeers renders, just 30% are Sami.
Reindeer Herd s Association
Artic Center
Future challenges for reindeer henders
Sami Council
Reinders Meet
terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014
Study: scientific writing
Environment are supported by student centered learning education philosophy. Finland has presented good practical examples trough Universities of Applied Science. The present paper discusses the main Finnish education guidelines applied at TAMK university, as a successful study case when the school enforces methods as project based learning, such as pro-academia and Demola. Those environments have a structure that allow teachers to promote team work and solving problems towards real solutions.
Environment are supported by student centered learning education philosophy. Finland has presented good practical examples trough Universities of Applied Science. The present paper discusses the main Finnish education guidelines applied at TAMK university, as a successful study case when the school enforces methods as project based learning, such as pro-academia and Demola. Those environments have a structure that allow teachers to promote team work and solving problems towards real solutions.
Very good paragraph, maybe will be better if the subject is more clear, because it is a little bit confuse if you are talking about environments or new educational methods or both together. So, the close paragraph is very good too, but a little bit disconnected of the sentence: What are "These environments"? The PBL, Pro-academia and Demola environments?
We hope to help a little bit.
segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014
Study: Demola - Maristela Grupo
Maristela bring her group of Demola to show their project.
cuidado tem de tudo neste wix, but is very easy to settle a web page.
Page test wix
the sponsor are
Learning Scoop
cuidado tem de tudo neste wix, but is very easy to settle a web page.
Page test wix
the sponsor are
Learning Scoop
Research: first dimension
Today we interviewed Pekka at TREDU school
All ours question were answered.
Tredu is a up secondary vocational school, has a very flat organization, 6 areas.
There are xx campus and xx areas among the region of Tampere.
they have a principal
All ours question were answered.
Tredu is a up secondary vocational school, has a very flat organization, 6 areas.
There are xx campus and xx areas among the region of Tampere.
they have a principal
Visit: Sisu Diesel - AGCO Power in Nokia - Aki Korpela
AGCO Power, which was formerly known as Sisu Diesel. The company has over 70 years of experience in diesel motors and generators, and they have a strong position worldwide in the field of agricultural machinery. The factory at Nokia Linnavuori, which we are going to visit, manufactures about 30000 diesel generators annually.
They make interaction with universities and do applied research and development.
What am I looking for in social economy in Finland
Now the questions I want to answer
For co-op and social enterprises
1. How do you discover what kind of knowledge the people need to learn?
2. How do you improve this knowledge? Do you give training in company?
3. Do you have social owners in your institution? Do you have among them handcapped?
4. How do you share the work?
5. How do you share the income?
6. How do you make decisions?
7. Do you have a CEO? Is he/she one of the cooperative members?
For incubators and association that promove social economy business?
1. How do you choose the entrepreneurs?
2. Do you have places there for them start the enterprises?
3. How do you help them?
4. Do you guide them to make the business plan?
5. Do you guide them with accountability?
6. Do they have a limit time to stay with your guidance?
For co-op and social enterprises
1. How do you discover what kind of knowledge the people need to learn?
2. How do you improve this knowledge? Do you give training in company?
3. Do you have social owners in your institution? Do you have among them handcapped?
4. How do you share the work?
5. How do you share the income?
6. How do you make decisions?
7. Do you have a CEO? Is he/she one of the cooperative members?
For incubators and association that promove social economy business?
1. How do you choose the entrepreneurs?
2. Do you have places there for them start the enterprises?
3. How do you help them?
4. Do you guide them to make the business plan?
5. Do you guide them with accountability?
6. Do they have a limit time to stay with your guidance?
sábado, 29 de novembro de 2014
quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2014
Visit: Valkeakoski & Lepaa
Visiting Valkeakoski Tietotie High-school
Visiting Vocational school of Valkeakoski (VAAO)
Visiting Entrepreneur day of VAAO
Visiting Lepaa - greenhouses
Presentation of the student projects
Visiting Vocational school of Valkeakoski (VAAO)
Visiting Entrepreneur day of VAAO
Visiting Lepaa - greenhouses
Presentation of the student projects
Visit: Mediapolis
Photos are from those three spaces, some times the ASU could rent spaces from company, or use space in vocational school and vice-versa. A problema that became a solution
More them 3 things in the same area
A public television company;
A scenarios museum;
A vocational school in midea;
A applied science university (ASU) in midea.
side by side
Photos are from those three spaces, some times the ASU could rent spaces from company, or use space in vocational school and vice-versa. A problema that became a solution
More them 3 things in the same area
A public television company;
A scenarios museum;
A vocational school in midea;
A applied science university (ASU) in midea.
side by side
Study: Finnish Education and Pedagogy Pirjio
Finnish Education and Pedagogy
Teacher students:
Combining good practices in fully online learning environment
Combining Good Practices : Method to study Introductory Physics in Engineering Education
Enhancing scientific analysing and reporting skills – integrated physics laboratory course
just because i liked :)
declarative x procedural 1
declarative x procedural 2
Handbook of Research on Science Education
Teacher students:
the structure and salient features of the Finnish education system
and evaluate various working and learning environments in vocational education
the working cultures in their own educational institutions and analyze how they
affect teaching and learning
examples of how various pedagogical choices as well as methods of teaching,
facilitation and learning work
the most important theoretical approaches of learning and facilitation and know
how to use their basic concepts
and describe various teaching and learning methods, evaluate and compare how
appropriate they are in the given context and in their own contexts
and justify their own pedagogical choice
Teachers in Finland
Learning Theories
Authentic learning
Teachers in Finland
Learning Theories
Authentic learning
Combining good practices in fully online learning environment
Combining Good Practices : Method to study Introductory Physics in Engineering Education
Enhancing scientific analysing and reporting skills – integrated physics laboratory course
just because i liked :)
declarative x procedural 1
declarative x procedural 2
Handbook of Research on Science Education
sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014
Finland by train
Buy train tickets in FInland
Buy bus tickets
Vaasa-Umea (weekend)
Museum Pori
world heritage
vaasa museun - tres um do lado do outro
ida rovanieme...
Rovanieme hotel iglu 11/12 as 18h
retorno tampere 12/12 21:19 train
Ivalo bus 4 hours
hotel Ivalo
Buy bus tickets
Vaasa-Umea (weekend)
Museum Pori
world heritage
vaasa museun - tres um do lado do outro
ida rovanieme...
Rovanieme hotel iglu 11/12 as 18h
retorno tampere 12/12 21:19 train
Ivalo bus 4 hours
hotel Ivalo
segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2014
Learn a lesson in Finland
How do I learn a lesson in Finland? Reflexion on observation class
In this work I will tell about mine impressions of education system in Finland trough observation a variety of classes and learning environments . Most of then happened at TAMK university of applied science of Tampere. One was at UTA, University of Tampere. One at Tampere vocational school of Tredu, Some of them are just observation of different projects as proacademy, BioHub, my-city and Cafe in Tredu. It was observed 15 class. The research was guided by a questioner about what is important to observe in class. I pretended to answered questions about theories of learning involves in finish class, what is the infrastructure used in class and virtually, behavior of a teacher, if he/she detains the knowledge, helps student to find, or act more as a coach guide them to work together. Notice students behavior if they trust, respect teacher, participate, make works alone and together, if they help each other, if they enjoy the class, if they are concern about what is important to learn. Methodology used by the answer of what kind of tools and methodologies teacher are using in class, as pre-study, warm up, introduction, explanation, management, form of evaluation, synthesis, learning by doing, PBL,
The phisician teacher in engineering courses do a work together whit math, language teacher to students learnig by doing in a social construtive model. First class they are introduce to the work, after they are joined in groups and have to make the measurements, make a sheet and plot a graphics to show for all classmates. next day they went to other laboratory to make more measurements. The teacher first explain how to do the work and let the students do it, answer some doubts and about the midle of the class he explain what they have to do next and where they have take care. Language teacher....xx. Math teacher explain by using how to use computer stuff. They used excel and datas from friction experiment, they tabulated dates, made regretion analyses and have the standard deviation, to know how much they were wrong in theyr measurement and so used this knew informations to continuing building their report. they have a vrtual space with movies about the lessons, they have days to just study together and they also have regular assessement.
The language teacher in classes of English for foreign in Energy and Enviromental Engineering has also a system to make part of the class in a virtual enviromental, she use Tabula of TAMK system. She started the semester asking what is the aim of each student, what they want to improve in their English Skill. One of activities make the students meet a enterprise in their fields.
Two of the classes observed have just the lecture of the teacher on the content in a tradicional way. One use datashow and let place to student speack and make question other just explain in a retroprojetor.
Final consideration
quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2014
Research: Social Economy
Statistics about Europa and Finland people involved in social econommy
1 in 3 worker in Eu
79% in agricultural field in Finland
36% in commerce in Finland
I will try read...
Ecocampus UTA
Co-op education helsinki
social enterprises in tampere
The Tampere Region Cooperative Centre is an information point for cooperative entrepreneurs. It provides up-to-date information, expert guidance and practically-oriented training related to cooperative entrepreneurship and business operations.
The Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry association is a joint organisation and lobbyist for entrepreneurs in the region. Its website contains information about business operations and entrepreneurship in Pirkanmaa.
Read more: Setting up a business
linkkiTampere Region Cooperative Centre:
Cooperative entrepreneurshipFinnish | English
linkkiPirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry.:
Information for entrepreneursFinnish
1 in 3 worker in Eu
79% in agricultural field in Finland
36% in commerce in Finland
I will try read...
Ecocampus UTA
Co-op education helsinki
social enterprises in tampere
Cooperative entrepreneurship
A cooperative is a company engaging in business operations, which is owned by members of the cooperative. Some cooperatives are established for the purpose of employing their members. Setting up a cooperative does not normally require a large amount of capital, as the participation share defined by the founders is enough.The Tampere Region Cooperative Centre is an information point for cooperative entrepreneurs. It provides up-to-date information, expert guidance and practically-oriented training related to cooperative entrepreneurship and business operations.
The Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry association is a joint organisation and lobbyist for entrepreneurs in the region. Its website contains information about business operations and entrepreneurship in Pirkanmaa.
Read more: Setting up a business
linkkiTampere Region Cooperative Centre:
Cooperative entrepreneurshipFinnish | English
linkkiPirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry.:
Information for entrepreneursFinnish
quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2014
Class 15: Chemical enginnering
Teacher said welcome to students.
Say something about the lasts classes, as a little review.
Start the new class sowing pictures on slides about fabrication. He explain everything in a normal voice.
The student pay attention, most of them.
At the end of the class he speak about next classes and a possible technical trip.
Class 14: Tampere Vocational College Tredu in Kuru
We went to Kuru and we have to participate as tourists in a guide excursion to Kuru Forest.
Kuru vocational school has between 200 to 300 students. Kuru city has almost 3000 inhabitants. First students showed all school for us, the places to have class out side, in a cottage, around a bonfire, machines, even the machines used to prepared woods to be used to build cottages, one curse that take 2 weeks.
They have more them 10 vans to take the students for practical activities. They went to Russia for 9 days they think it is awesome. Also school has a building for classes and cafeteria, and has dormitory for students stay. We went in one class room full of stuffed animals.
The teacher send the students to guide us, they heve to separate wood for the bonfire. Food for us, but we also help to carry the food. The teacher also ask who could drive the cars. Who could takes the logs. And who could be with him taking others things. Once in forest we start to walk guided by one of them and when in the middle of forest the guide ask us to stay in silent to listen the forest. After a while we continued to walk until a place that they are organizing to lunch. the students starting to present themselves and the reason why they are here, amazing a lot of them came form other countries. They ask ours individual question as what they study, how much time, what they prefer and what is the minimum amount of education one have to apply in, and all the answers fit we I found after on internet. And what I like most to listen is thy need to be a business plan and contact with real work word. After we went to a spot were teacher show pictures of a migration bird that goes to brazil also it is called "maçarico bastardo" scientific name Tringa glareola. He showed us also a moss, and tell thinks about it, one of the student has already answered my question about this moss, because is spread for everywhere, her said the same as teacher it was really interesting.
You can find information about "International Wilderness Guide" in:
You can find information about "Log house building course" in:
and the most amazing course is:
Finland system education by tredu
Kuru vocational school has between 200 to 300 students. Kuru city has almost 3000 inhabitants. First students showed all school for us, the places to have class out side, in a cottage, around a bonfire, machines, even the machines used to prepared woods to be used to build cottages, one curse that take 2 weeks.
They have more them 10 vans to take the students for practical activities. They went to Russia for 9 days they think it is awesome. Also school has a building for classes and cafeteria, and has dormitory for students stay. We went in one class room full of stuffed animals.
The teacher send the students to guide us, they heve to separate wood for the bonfire. Food for us, but we also help to carry the food. The teacher also ask who could drive the cars. Who could takes the logs. And who could be with him taking others things. Once in forest we start to walk guided by one of them and when in the middle of forest the guide ask us to stay in silent to listen the forest. After a while we continued to walk until a place that they are organizing to lunch. the students starting to present themselves and the reason why they are here, amazing a lot of them came form other countries. They ask ours individual question as what they study, how much time, what they prefer and what is the minimum amount of education one have to apply in, and all the answers fit we I found after on internet. And what I like most to listen is thy need to be a business plan and contact with real work word. After we went to a spot were teacher show pictures of a migration bird that goes to brazil also it is called "maçarico bastardo" scientific name Tringa glareola. He showed us also a moss, and tell thinks about it, one of the student has already answered my question about this moss, because is spread for everywhere, her said the same as teacher it was really interesting.
You can find information about "International Wilderness Guide" in:
You can find information about "Log house building course" in:
and the most amazing course is:
Finland system education by tredu
Finland culture: education
Cultural education
Sometimes I feel involved by Finland system of education seems to me that almost all society are wondering about to improve education stuff. I will list bellow what I saw and what I feel about that without concern if it is real as I said or not, because is just my first impression and consideration without a deep studying in.

They put the students to work together and find out a solution for a entrepreneur.
GameMagic tag blog book book 2014
They study one year as usual with lecture, teacher, class and the two and half year resting they starting a company all 16 student and call entrepreneurs to see all possibilities of products or services , and so they participe in some projects dealing direct with entrepreneurs. They have meeting with coaches every week, they have to read books and articles named in a "bible", make a overview, taking also 15 credits of classes. and that is it. If you impressed in a business degree program, try to do the same in vocational school, as Tredu does....
IIDA Idea competition (similar BioHub)
IDA is an idea contest for students, researchers and employees at Tampere University, Tampere University of Technology and Tampere Universities of Applied Sciences. IIDA has been organised since year 1994.
o que eu penso sobre ...
13–17 October 2014 Tamy’s Development Cooperation Week events

Association of alumni, and to promote cooperation with University of Applied Sciences, as well as work and business life.
Description of finland education
Know Filand
School of Vocational Teacher Education
vet curriculum
Vocational School
curriculum metals and machinery
Universities of applied Science
Technological Universities
To do or not to do researsh
in europe
evaluation in finland
o que eu penso sobre ...
13–17 October 2014 Tamy’s Development Cooperation Week events

Association of alumni, and to promote cooperation with University of Applied Sciences, as well as work and business life.
Description of finland education
SPICA Directory summarizes existing (members) listings of national and international business incubation / technology park associations
2015 University-Industry Interaction Conference - The Call for Abstracts and Proposals is open until December 15, 2014 The University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) will host the 2015 University-Industry Interaction Conference in Berlin, Germany, June 24 - 26 2015.
Know Filand
School of Vocational Teacher Education
vet curriculum
Vocational School
curriculum metals and machinery
Universities of applied Science
Technological Universities
To do or not to do researsh
in europe
evaluation in finland
Class 13: Tredo Cafe
It was a teaching meeting about vocational school.
They organized this once a year.
At the hall the students showed what they are doing in courses.
There were students from jewelry vocacional school:
They had showed their products because the course has a company, they have to pay the bills, the account and the taxes and after the sail they stay with the money.
They made the product in the laboratories at school in the school time.
They do not receive fees but who made his/her product stay with the profit.
Vocational school they are from business school they are taking class in the first year, but in the others two they are with supervisor of their teachers working.
They have a vocational course that students attend class during one year and second and third year they work at a company and are adviser by the teachers.
It was a teaching meeting about vocational school.
They organized this once a year.
At the hall the students showed what they are doing in courses.
There were students from jewelry vocacional school:
They had showed their products because the course has a company, they have to pay the bills, the account and the taxes and after the sail they stay with the money.
They made the product in the laboratories at school in the school time.
They do not receive fees but who made his/her product stay with the profit.
Vocational school they are from business school they are taking class in the first year, but in the others two they are with supervisor of their teachers working.
They have a vocational course that students attend class during one year and second and third year they work at a company and are adviser by the teachers.
Class 12: My City
Children of 12 years old play in a city with post office, clinical, journal, industries are 17 companies, the students stay one day in my-city, before to reach the city that had ten classes about the subject. When they arrived they already know what is the role that they have on it. They received payment twice a day in a card to spend the money there. They have meeting once and a while. Teachers are also trend to work with the children at school.
Children of 12 years old play in a city with post office, clinical, journal, industries are 17 companies, the students stay one day in my-city, before to reach the city that had ten classes about the subject. When they arrived they already know what is the role that they have on it. They received payment twice a day in a card to spend the money there. They have meeting once and a while. Teachers are also trend to work with the children at school.
domingo, 26 de outubro de 2014
Company contact (Co-op)
As part of your program you are required to familiarize yourselves with the company contacts that TAMK or any other educational institution (vocational school, univeristy)has and the kind of projects and research that is conducted in close co-operation with companies. Adapt the requirement to your own field and interests. ‘Company contacts’ can refer to working life in general. Also, you may choose some of the contacts because of your research. The focus here is on what schools do outside the school building and with the surrounding world.
Please report on 10 company contacts that you have had during this program in Tampere:
My focus is a little bit different, so I will look for cooperativas, associations and incubators or similar:
Name of company - date of contact - co-operation with TAMK - own comments
Please reflect again on what you’ve learnt about the co-oepration between schools and companies/working life in general. Explain why you chose these particular companies. How do these contacts benefit the school in your experience or opinion? What do the companies gain from the co-operation? Where’s the teacher in this process? Compare and contrast with the contacts that your school has in Brazil.
I choose to met whit cooperatives here or incubator of cooperatives nd projects at school and they do business with education.
Co-op - page - address - email - phone - contact person
Cooperativa em Tampere
Tampere Region Co-operative Centre
Tampere social entrepreneurship network
Cooperativa of vocational school TREDU
Coo-op of Games TAMK
Co-op IT course TAMK their page is TKI-versas
- Vihtori Lehtonen, Tki-Verstas CoOP tel. +358 40 528 1184
- Kimmo Saarela, Trelab Ltd, tel. +358 50 596 7916, kimmo.saarela(at)
- Ari Rantala, Head of Degree Programme, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, tel. +358 40 726 1284, ari.rantala (at)
- Markku Oikarainen, Innovate Advocate, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, tel. +358 40 826 7615, markku.oikarainen (at)
Tampere district co-operative bank / TSOP Address of the bank: Hämeenkatu 12, FI-33101
Tampere Tamk partner SOMEA 040 555 9877
Tommi Järvinen : +358 40 555 9877
Markku Juntunen : +358 50 336 1885
Sauli Low- Savo : +358 40 8244 397
contato Hämeenkatu
20 A 33200 Tampere ID Negócio: 2286682-5
Institute / Co-minister of employment and the econommy
cooperative Network Studies in Finland in Helsinki
co-op arts helsink
FixC co-operative / VILKE Collection showroom in Helsinki
Alppikatu 17 lh2 00530 Helsinki Finland, fish@fixc. fi
COOP camp Pispala - cooperative of arts
helsink learning co-op law
cooperative of banks? OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative
Valio is a Milk cooperative in 60101 Seinäjoki, Osman Street 2e Seinäjoki and 40351 Jyväskylä, Laukaantie 9 A
cooperativa de compra S Group do cartão verde , que começou com padeiros, cooperative of bakery workers now is consumer and credit
UTA studies
minister of employment and the econommy
register patent association
Norden Co-op multinacional
Coop Trading A/S is huge will not try contact base is in Denmark
site of cooperatives in Canada
International coop aliance
social enterpreneur europe
12 young teampreneurs
work museum tampere
Unipoli tampere
TAKK adult education
Civil organized society:
Finland entreprises association
the Housing Fair Finland Co-op
sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014
Class 11: applied research
This is a course of master degree in Informational Technology - issue today is architectural styles
The teacher first show the semester schedule and show where is the text on tabula. Now he is speaking what is issue would be treat in the class.
Students feel confidents to make question during lecture.
The teacher first show the semester schedule and show where is the text on tabula. Now he is speaking what is issue would be treat in the class.
Students feel confidents to make question during lecture.
terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014
Class 10: Games
Teacher as a coach
The course is in games, during three years the students make games for real companies.
they have to contact a company, that gives them the task to made some game, there are students that make the strategies, the visual graphics and others that make the music, in some of the games, must have someone that is specialist in the subject.
students developed all the work in groups whit people with difference skills and responsibilities.
Teachers highlight that students have contact with companies, real problems, they have to be solve, even earn money form the development project game.
students developed all the work in groups whit people with difference skills and responsibilities.
Teachers highlight that students have contact with companies, real problems, they have to be solve, even earn money form the development project game.
Class 09: in BioHub
Participando do BioHub
Na manhã do primeiro dia foi feita o credenciamento, onde recebemos o material com a cor do grupo.
Após isso fomos para as apresentações, houve uma boa vinda do presidente da TAMK, após os coaches(professores) falaram, teve apresentação, nesse ponto você ainda não sabe quem é sua equipe, apenas estamos divididos em três cores um grupo laranja, um rosa, um verde/azul, a outra cor foi usada pelos coaches.
A tarde as cores foram separadas, cada um ficou com seu grupo de coaches.
Foi separada as equipes e passada uma tarefa, construir uma girafa em seis minutos que ficasse parada sozinha com jornal e fita crepe, escrever o nome dos participantes nela, a mais alta ganhava.
Depois o representante da empresa mostrou o problema, no nosso caso era usar pulper em biorefinaria.
Os grupos foram separados com seis integrantes das mais diversas áreas, um aluno de marketing, uma de engenhria química, uma de engenharia ambiental e a outra não lembro, e eu teacher for the future.
Fizemos como recomendados escolhemos os objetivos e as regras.
First we choose mains, it was win and have a good time, rules are be on schedule, listen to others and do not remember the third one, or even if it existed. choose also leader an secretary.
So we realized no one knowing about issue, so we decided do a research along half hour, one became later and we decided they her has to make a rap and so we come back to the brainstorm. So we went on and could not have a good idea, and so day finished.
Morning of second dy, we bring knew ideas and sundelly came up the idea, and so we went to talk with the coaches, they make some questions, how did we start, Who was leader and secretary, if we have goals and rules, and what they are, if if we have an idea, how did it come up? and if we know how to do. So we start to make presentation, in our room there are no computer, so we have to look for other place, during morning it was ok, but in afternoon is not. So we continues doing the presentation in afternoon and in next day, before it we chat to feel how the things are. We finish the presentation and practice and ant to presentation.
After presentation we just have to wait for dinner and before dinner they say whem won.
More information about BioHub in
Idéias em gerais
Fazer um pulper para ser usados em refinarias
O que um pulper faz
homogeneiza a massa de fibras, limpa, por centrifugação
o que há em pulpers/ google
academic texts
custs if biomass

r establishing a plant where the first biodegradable plastics that are truly lignin-based can be manufactured. The industrial byproduct, lignin, for producing these plastics, will be isolated from kraft black liquor generated by a pulp mill in International Falls, Minnesota.
Na manhã do primeiro dia foi feita o credenciamento, onde recebemos o material com a cor do grupo.
Após isso fomos para as apresentações, houve uma boa vinda do presidente da TAMK, após os coaches(professores) falaram, teve apresentação, nesse ponto você ainda não sabe quem é sua equipe, apenas estamos divididos em três cores um grupo laranja, um rosa, um verde/azul, a outra cor foi usada pelos coaches.
A tarde as cores foram separadas, cada um ficou com seu grupo de coaches.
Foi separada as equipes e passada uma tarefa, construir uma girafa em seis minutos que ficasse parada sozinha com jornal e fita crepe, escrever o nome dos participantes nela, a mais alta ganhava.
Depois o representante da empresa mostrou o problema, no nosso caso era usar pulper em biorefinaria.
Os grupos foram separados com seis integrantes das mais diversas áreas, um aluno de marketing, uma de engenhria química, uma de engenharia ambiental e a outra não lembro, e eu teacher for the future.
Fizemos como recomendados escolhemos os objetivos e as regras.
First we choose mains, it was win and have a good time, rules are be on schedule, listen to others and do not remember the third one, or even if it existed. choose also leader an secretary.
So we realized no one knowing about issue, so we decided do a research along half hour, one became later and we decided they her has to make a rap and so we come back to the brainstorm. So we went on and could not have a good idea, and so day finished.
Morning of second dy, we bring knew ideas and sundelly came up the idea, and so we went to talk with the coaches, they make some questions, how did we start, Who was leader and secretary, if we have goals and rules, and what they are, if if we have an idea, how did it come up? and if we know how to do. So we start to make presentation, in our room there are no computer, so we have to look for other place, during morning it was ok, but in afternoon is not. So we continues doing the presentation in afternoon and in next day, before it we chat to feel how the things are. We finish the presentation and practice and ant to presentation.
After presentation we just have to wait for dinner and before dinner they say whem won.
More information about BioHub in
Idéias em gerais
Fazer um pulper para ser usados em refinarias
O que um pulper faz
Resource of Bio
alkool, apples, potato, wast, fish waste, food waste, drinkable alcohol, leaves, needles, agricultural waste
What you can do it the forest if we do not used to do paper anymore?
How can I use chemicals from forest?
make fabrics
make fabrics from bamboo
we have to see this highlights
plastic from woods?
Kraft lignin, a natural polymer that binds the fibres together in wood, is the basis for many specialty chemical products used in dye- ing textile fibres, dispersing pesticides and emul- sifying asphalt.
homogeneiza a massa de fibras, limpa, por centrifugação
o que há em pulpers/ google
academic texts
custs if biomass
Lignocellulosic Biomass Plant
- Fully owned (100%) by Abengoa Bioenergía S.A.
- Annual bioethanol production capacity of 1.3 Mgal from grain straw.
Managed by Abengoa Bioenergía Nuevas Tecnologías, the construction of this plant was completed in December 2008 and has been in full operation since September 2009, being the first plant in the world to operate with enzymatic hydrolysis technology at this production level. It is located within the Biocarburantes de Castilla y León plant, meaning that both facilities share common services and process chains. The ethanol produced is distilled up to 42% and then is concentrated and dehydrated.
Abengoa Bioenergia São Luiz
- 100 % owned by Abengoa Bioenergy.
- Installed bioethanol production capacity of 24 Mgal per year.
- Annual sugar production of roughly 285,000 t.
- Annual sugarcane consumption of 3 Mt.
In the months of August and September 2010 began the electricity co-generation of 70 MW, which uses sugar cane pulp, the raw material used in their own sugar and ethanol production plants. With this plant in operation, Abengoa Bioenergía Brasil adds a third important product, energy, to the sustainable development of their bioenergy businesses in Brazil.
Brazil too, starts production of second generation bioethanol
Production of second generation bioethanol is taking off. In Italy (Beta Renewables), US (DSM-POET), and now also in Brazil. Here, second generation ethanol factories are an addition to first generation factories. Second generation installations process side streams like bagasse and stems to ethanol. Because of this, ethanol production may rise by 50% without any need to cultivate more land for sugar cane production.
Construction of the GranBio second generation bioethanol plant in São Miguel dos Campos.
Towards second generation bioethanol
In Brazil, two major companies start producing second generation bioethanol as a motor fuel: Raizen, already a heavyweight in the production of first generation bioethanol, and GranBio, specifically founded for second generation production in 2011. The first GranBio factory has started production in June this year, in São Miguel dos Campos in the state of Alagoas, in North-eastern Brazil. The factory has a capacity of 82 million litres per year, the investment being B$ (reais) 350 million (€ 117 million). Partly, this sum was financed by the Bank of the North-East, partly by the National bank for economic and social development BNDES, in its programs Energy and Chemical industry from sugar. In its fermentation process, the company makes use of a genetically modified yeast, approved in December 2013 by the national technical commission for biological safety, CTNBio. The use of this yeast improves the yield from biomass by 23%. After the start of operations, new investments were announced. Up to 2020 these might amount to B$ 4 billion (€ 1.3 billion). This sum would be required for the construction of ten more units for second generation bioethanol production, that would eventually produce one billion litres per year.
The goal is to develop the basic technology necessary fo
Figo. 3: monolignóis: álcool paracoumaryl (1), álcool coniferílico (2) e álcool sinapyl(3)
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