segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014

What am I looking for in social economy in Finland

Now the questions I want to answer

For co-op and social enterprises
1. How do you discover what kind of knowledge the people need to learn?
2. How do you improve this knowledge? Do you give training in company?
3. Do you have social owners in your institution? Do you have among them handcapped?
4. How do you share the work?
5. How do you share the income?
6. How do you make decisions?
7. Do you have a CEO? Is he/she one of the cooperative members?

For incubators and association that promove social economy business?

1. How do you choose the entrepreneurs?
2. Do you have places there for them start the enterprises?
3. How do you help them?
4. Do you guide them to make the business plan?
5. Do you guide them with accountability?
6. Do they have a limit time to stay with your guidance?

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