Participando do BioHub
Na manhã do primeiro dia foi feita o credenciamento, onde recebemos o material com a cor do grupo.
Após isso fomos para as apresentações, houve uma boa vinda do presidente da TAMK, após os coaches(professores) falaram, teve apresentação, nesse ponto você ainda não sabe quem é sua equipe, apenas estamos divididos em três cores um grupo laranja, um rosa, um verde/azul, a outra cor foi usada pelos coaches.
A tarde as cores foram separadas, cada um ficou com seu grupo de coaches.
Foi separada as equipes e passada uma tarefa, construir uma girafa em seis minutos que ficasse parada sozinha com jornal e fita crepe, escrever o nome dos participantes nela, a mais alta ganhava.
Depois o representante da empresa mostrou o problema, no nosso caso era usar pulper em biorefinaria.
Os grupos foram separados com seis integrantes das mais diversas áreas, um aluno de marketing, uma de engenhria química, uma de engenharia ambiental e a outra não lembro, e eu teacher for the future.
Fizemos como recomendados escolhemos os objetivos e as regras.
First we choose mains, it was win and have a good time, rules are be on schedule, listen to others and do not remember the third one, or even if it existed. choose also leader an secretary.
So we realized no one knowing about issue, so we decided do a research along half hour, one became later and we decided they her has to make a rap and so we come back to the brainstorm. So we went on and could not have a good idea, and so day finished.
Morning of second dy, we bring knew ideas and sundelly came up the idea, and so we went to talk with the coaches, they make some questions, how did we start, Who was leader and secretary, if we have goals and rules, and what they are, if if we have an idea, how did it come up? and if we know how to do. So we start to make presentation, in our room there are no computer, so we have to look for other place, during morning it was ok, but in afternoon is not. So we continues doing the presentation in afternoon and in next day, before it we chat to feel how the things are. We finish the presentation and practice and ant to presentation.
After presentation we just have to wait for dinner and before dinner they say whem won.
More information about BioHub in
Idéias em gerais
Fazer um pulper para ser usados em refinarias
O que um pulper faz
homogeneiza a massa de fibras, limpa, por centrifugação
o que há em pulpers/ google
academic texts
custs if biomass

r establishing a plant where the first biodegradable plastics that are truly lignin-based can be manufactured. The industrial byproduct, lignin, for producing these plastics, will be isolated from kraft black liquor generated by a pulp mill in International Falls, Minnesota.
Na manhã do primeiro dia foi feita o credenciamento, onde recebemos o material com a cor do grupo.
Após isso fomos para as apresentações, houve uma boa vinda do presidente da TAMK, após os coaches(professores) falaram, teve apresentação, nesse ponto você ainda não sabe quem é sua equipe, apenas estamos divididos em três cores um grupo laranja, um rosa, um verde/azul, a outra cor foi usada pelos coaches.
A tarde as cores foram separadas, cada um ficou com seu grupo de coaches.
Foi separada as equipes e passada uma tarefa, construir uma girafa em seis minutos que ficasse parada sozinha com jornal e fita crepe, escrever o nome dos participantes nela, a mais alta ganhava.
Depois o representante da empresa mostrou o problema, no nosso caso era usar pulper em biorefinaria.
Os grupos foram separados com seis integrantes das mais diversas áreas, um aluno de marketing, uma de engenhria química, uma de engenharia ambiental e a outra não lembro, e eu teacher for the future.
Fizemos como recomendados escolhemos os objetivos e as regras.
First we choose mains, it was win and have a good time, rules are be on schedule, listen to others and do not remember the third one, or even if it existed. choose also leader an secretary.
So we realized no one knowing about issue, so we decided do a research along half hour, one became later and we decided they her has to make a rap and so we come back to the brainstorm. So we went on and could not have a good idea, and so day finished.
Morning of second dy, we bring knew ideas and sundelly came up the idea, and so we went to talk with the coaches, they make some questions, how did we start, Who was leader and secretary, if we have goals and rules, and what they are, if if we have an idea, how did it come up? and if we know how to do. So we start to make presentation, in our room there are no computer, so we have to look for other place, during morning it was ok, but in afternoon is not. So we continues doing the presentation in afternoon and in next day, before it we chat to feel how the things are. We finish the presentation and practice and ant to presentation.
After presentation we just have to wait for dinner and before dinner they say whem won.
More information about BioHub in
Idéias em gerais
Fazer um pulper para ser usados em refinarias
O que um pulper faz
Resource of Bio
alkool, apples, potato, wast, fish waste, food waste, drinkable alcohol, leaves, needles, agricultural waste
What you can do it the forest if we do not used to do paper anymore?
How can I use chemicals from forest?
make fabrics
make fabrics from bamboo
we have to see this highlights
plastic from woods?
Kraft lignin, a natural polymer that binds the fibres together in wood, is the basis for many specialty chemical products used in dye- ing textile fibres, dispersing pesticides and emul- sifying asphalt.
homogeneiza a massa de fibras, limpa, por centrifugação
o que há em pulpers/ google
academic texts
custs if biomass
Lignocellulosic Biomass Plant
- Fully owned (100%) by Abengoa Bioenergía S.A.
- Annual bioethanol production capacity of 1.3 Mgal from grain straw.
Managed by Abengoa Bioenergía Nuevas Tecnologías, the construction of this plant was completed in December 2008 and has been in full operation since September 2009, being the first plant in the world to operate with enzymatic hydrolysis technology at this production level. It is located within the Biocarburantes de Castilla y León plant, meaning that both facilities share common services and process chains. The ethanol produced is distilled up to 42% and then is concentrated and dehydrated.
Abengoa Bioenergia São Luiz
- 100 % owned by Abengoa Bioenergy.
- Installed bioethanol production capacity of 24 Mgal per year.
- Annual sugar production of roughly 285,000 t.
- Annual sugarcane consumption of 3 Mt.
In the months of August and September 2010 began the electricity co-generation of 70 MW, which uses sugar cane pulp, the raw material used in their own sugar and ethanol production plants. With this plant in operation, Abengoa Bioenergía Brasil adds a third important product, energy, to the sustainable development of their bioenergy businesses in Brazil.
Brazil too, starts production of second generation bioethanol
Production of second generation bioethanol is taking off. In Italy (Beta Renewables), US (DSM-POET), and now also in Brazil. Here, second generation ethanol factories are an addition to first generation factories. Second generation installations process side streams like bagasse and stems to ethanol. Because of this, ethanol production may rise by 50% without any need to cultivate more land for sugar cane production.
Construction of the GranBio second generation bioethanol plant in São Miguel dos Campos.
Towards second generation bioethanol
In Brazil, two major companies start producing second generation bioethanol as a motor fuel: Raizen, already a heavyweight in the production of first generation bioethanol, and GranBio, specifically founded for second generation production in 2011. The first GranBio factory has started production in June this year, in São Miguel dos Campos in the state of Alagoas, in North-eastern Brazil. The factory has a capacity of 82 million litres per year, the investment being B$ (reais) 350 million (€ 117 million). Partly, this sum was financed by the Bank of the North-East, partly by the National bank for economic and social development BNDES, in its programs Energy and Chemical industry from sugar. In its fermentation process, the company makes use of a genetically modified yeast, approved in December 2013 by the national technical commission for biological safety, CTNBio. The use of this yeast improves the yield from biomass by 23%. After the start of operations, new investments were announced. Up to 2020 these might amount to B$ 4 billion (€ 1.3 billion). This sum would be required for the construction of ten more units for second generation bioethanol production, that would eventually produce one billion litres per year.
The goal is to develop the basic technology necessary fo
Figo. 3: monolignóis: álcool paracoumaryl (1), álcool coniferílico (2) e álcool sinapyl(3)
Growing awareness regarding harmful effect of pollution on human health is expected drive lignin market growth in dust control applications over the next few years. High market potential for lignin as a key intermediate to manufacturing carbon fibers, phenol, BTX and vanillin is anticipated to provide tremendous growth opportunities over the forecast period.
ResponderExcluirKraft Lignin Market Research