quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2014

Finland culture: education

Cultural education

Sometimes I feel involved by Finland system of education seems to me that almost all society are wondering about to improve education stuff. I will list bellow what I saw and what I feel about that without concern if it is real as I said or not, because is just my first impression and consideration without a deep studying in.

CCE is a council concerned about innovation and creative in education, make presencial and virtual events and courses.This is the Tampere event home that occur in october 2014:
A link for news and events: http://www.ccefinland.org/#!schedule-for-tampere-symposium/c1uo3

They put the students to work together and find out a solution for a entrepreneur.
Magic tag blog book book 2014

They study one year as usual with lecture, teacher, class and the two and half year resting they starting a company all 16 student and call entrepreneurs to see all possibilities of products or services , and so they participe in some projects dealing direct with entrepreneurs. They have meeting with coaches every week, they have to read books and articles named in a "bible", make a overview, taking also 15 credits of classes. and that is it. If you impressed in a business degree program, try to do the same in vocational school, as Tredu does....

IIDA Idea competition (similar BioHub)
IDA is an idea contest for students, researchers and employees at Tampere University, Tampere University of Technology and Tampere Universities of Applied Sciences. IIDA has been organised since year 1994.

o que eu penso sobre ...

13–17 October 2014 Tamy’s Development Cooperation Week events 

Association of alumni, and to promote     cooperation with University of Applied Sciences, as well as work and business life.


Description of finland education


SPICA Directory summarizes existing (members) listings of national and international business incubation / technology park associations 

Brazil http://www.anprotec.org.br/site/  http://www.anprotec.org.br/site/

2015 University-Industry Interaction Conference - The Call for Abstracts and Proposals is open until December 15, 2014 The University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) will host the 2015 University-Industry Interaction Conference in Berlin, Germany, June 24 - 26 2015. 

Know Filand




School of Vocational Teacher Education
vet curriculum 

Vocational School
curriculum metals and machinery

Universities of applied Science

Technological Universities
To do or not to do researsh
in europe
evaluation in finland

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