quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014

Study: learning by project 10.09... Kai Hitsane

O PMI – Project Management Institute – é a maior instituição mundial sem fins lucrativos. Foi estabelecida em 1969 e sediada na Pensilvânia, nos EUA. Possui, atualmente mais de 250.000 membros associados em 170 países.
O Brasil foi o primeiro país a constituir um Chapter (Capítulos/Seções) fora dos Estados Unidos, no início da década de 80.


A ABGP – Associação Brasileira de Gerenciamento de Projetos – é filiada ao IPMA (International Project Management Association) desde 2002. O IPMA está registrado na Suíça. 
ZOPP, sigla em alemão de Ziel Orientierte Projekt Planung, que significa "planejamento de projetos orientado por objetivos” que, normalmente vem acompanhado da técnica Metaplan. 



Book in Tamk Library
Gregory Horine: Absolute Beginner's Guide To Project Management 2008 or newer

Project implementation phase

eal = moreia

do phase
amends and changes
=> update the plan
=> documents
=> inform about changes
=> financier very important to became aware is something is changed, it would fit in orçamento
=> are inevitable

why change are inevitable

change in market
new innovations
customers need change
external change, legislations
other projects

change control projects
change in projects must be decided for whom?

differences opinions you discussion and decide, for the management has every thing in his/her head, and so the other there aren't the same information, so they would disagree with some of the changes.

project closure
formalize acceptance, bring the project n orderly end, dissolve the project organization, reward the project organization, communicate about the end and the results of the project.

what could be a reward?
=> could money, some materials, a gift, for stuff,


the market is not growing for years
they have a recession in the beginning of 90th,

russia eastern ucrania, 15% do mercado da Finland  é a russia, so they export are forbidden.

Baltic lituania, letonia 1941 - 1991


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