segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014

Class 05: Pro-academy

Team of 16 students of last semester presents for us the proakademi routine.
During morning they explain what is pro-academy.
Used to be just for business students,
first year normal class
Them, they try apply in proacademy and stay there for two years and half,
In beginning they were 20 students, know they are 16, some drop out and went back for Tamk to have class.
so they started and will end one company, but one of them created his on company,
they show a book with the books that they could choose to reed, so after they have to make a essay, show essay for adviser and after correction put in a place where everybody could see and make commentaries, and some times they have seminars, and they have to make 80 points, some books they will receive 3, 2 or 1 point. They also could read another books do not apear in list, since coach aproved.
They can role many projects as inteuprenneur, and teachers find them once or twice a week.

They are 3 groups and we must be divided and pass for every group
1. book,
2. work in groups,
3. projects

1. Books
they speak about the books, there are a teacher that develop the guide books,  they chosen by themselves, they have to read and make a essay, the coach will correct the essay and allowed its publication, so they will put on line and other students could see and make comments. they could choose other books that they are not in list.
They like to do this and think these way is better the normal way, because they are in touch with real life, enterprises, have to learn by doing and the books are more connected with they really necessities.

2. Work in groups
when they are applying for proacademy they do a test of personality, so professors could mix the group with different profile, figure profile. However, is difficult to have all personalities kind  in one group.

3. Work in projects

they could contact companies to know a project, so them get the project, they plan and do, and sell, and give a feedback for companies. They also could start having an ideia for themselves.

for instance, they contact 100 companies, have 10 projects and could do one or three projects.
ruing three years they could participate in just one project, but usually they each of then work in among 15-20 projects.

Choose a profile or a main profile, you can also go to site to make the test

doing projects

team is going to Brazil in november in Instituto Rio Bramco

Normal speaking with company

Name os students on wall so usually in TAMK

So what I could say what is the pro academy philosophy?

Coaching is a pedagogical philosophy lead by the idea of dialogue and learning by doing, contact with real world, learning based in project. in 


creative management in TAMK

quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2014

Study: English Henry 24/09


So we presente ourselves through draw

the oscar goes to....

Henry kkkk

you decide ... it is up to you

what I want learn, improve... I want improve my writher skills and my speaking skills. Because listening skills I scan do by myself heheh

verb tenses
conversation formal informal
idiomatic expression

Small talks
1. the setting
2. How their day has been so far
3. The things you would like to know about the other person
4. current events
is forbidden... religion... world cup and...

terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2014

study: Assessement Cisko



so we have to discuss in small groups:
Does this fable have a moral?
we start joking: first in portuguese: 
- que animais não sabem fazer currículo,
or worst: 
- quem faz o currículo é um animal, kkk in group they discuss on...
- how could be a school with so many diversity? we agree with this? when we do that
- what assessment could be used used in this situation to afford all students
- people have different abilities how to cover it with a single curriculum, is it teachers problem?

..and Cisko began...

segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014

Study: Inclusive education 22/09 Hanna

Inclusive education in Finland

3 level, they are trying change LAW

In Base education compulsory system

Normal support - for someone that got sick, or have some problem in english learn for exemples
second level - when teachers notice some need of support,
third level - medical ou psychology prescription and then more support

Before vocational education

several action
a free choice one more year
work world

thus student could choose better her on eduction system

NO law for secondary education or superior education system

the center change, is not change for special student, but school must forecast students need and became prepared for it

it more about teacher thinking then doing...

someone in their family must truth in this student, it would be possible.

a lot of debate on dyslexics and others...

quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2014

Study: e-learning 19/09 Päivi Aarreniemi-Jokipelto popplet padlet

She went in Brazil with her family for two weeks 10 years ago and her daughter learn swim in Brazil

Learning objects

- understand the foundation of e-learning;
- Students-centered learning;
- Collaboration through social media;
- make on line presentation;
- online methods and tools in a project based learn context.

I was wondering if we will have class on e-learning in october and december, when will I have time to go to pro-academy do my project?

Twitter? facebook? google+?

outcomes in learning
future online trends
Write you writes:

e-learning and blended learning
what is?
did you use it?
when is it best?

This task is hard

Suzy's aswers

Work group

could you aswer????
these is true:
In my campus of IFSC we decide we are setting our strategic program do not offer on-line courses for next 4 years. However, we will improve our skills and environmental for blended e-learning. All offer course must will have 10 a 15 % of their schedule on line. So, administration must will improve facilities for e-learning, teacher will be training in online resources, students will became in touch with tools and methodology of e-learning sometimes in their courses. And after these time we will be comfortable to offer a on-line course or increase air online activities in presencial courses.

these we are almost doing:
These year we could not do because I am here and my friend is in her doctor degree, and we have to give up, put it is in stand by.
We are preparing our campus to offer administration vocational courses in partnership with SEBRAE, a renomed institution in Brasil, and put this in practical in 2015.

We have already a moodle platform for teachers that want to use it, also a collaborative e-learnig environmental as wiki. We used a lot facebook as a environmental for share information and up loads works, some time in one or other class students build blogs, Beside I have used and it was nice, facebook for share final works of students.

Thus, in 2017 we will offer courses with at least 10% of their time and activities by e-learning strategies. And it is possible they we are offering at list one course all on-line with less then 25% of presencial activities.

1. used e-learning for organizer the thinks, materials, assessments, group job;
2. in work life most of them  must know or learn fast how can use on-line and informational system and we can use on line to improve their skill. Other work situation is group work, and you can use pedagogical methods and tools using work groups as collaborative learning, problem based learn and so on;
3. Human resources already have used e-learning courses to spread knowledge in our IF. Also staff could e-learning system to accelerate their work activities, with all kind information;
4. my actual principal is going to be drifty for e-learning campus.

That's all folks

We have to make a google community

Answer what we do in collaborative learning
Hi, i am not sure if i used it, but, integrated technical students have to build or find a poem or music with the same words of materials properties and post in a group on facebook.
i try to post but do not work with me kkk

What kind of students, of learning studies we have?
millennium students have contact very early with technology.

How to deal with then?

What are goals you want achieve?

design learn
How will measure if students have a chivied these objectives? What kind assessment?

What instructional strategies?

What logical issues?

what feedback did you receive?

What Is Guidance?

Guidance refers to information given for the purpose of resolving a problem or difficulty and is mainly given by someone of authority. It is also seen as steering and directing a certain process or event in a certain way. Guidance can be given through a guidance and counselling session by a specialist.

Guidence counseling of personal learning 3 steps

Padlet adress


aplicativo para questões on-line


Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and Practice

 editado por Tim S. Roberts


este da para apresentar aulas com uma explicação de fundo
there is Knovio also


Project in E-learning

Idea card

we can make our own questioner in 

How could be possible one approach multicultural in collaborative  e-learning be used whit the Native community in Brazil?

I think it is impossible because they do not have yet co many computers with internet in the community, but some of them has cellphone with internet. Some of them has facebook, 
They are building a place with computers and internet. Maybe, after, theyer firsts class in computer.

sites on multicultural social learning

cooperative learning


Study: PBL Curriculum 18/09 Pirjo and Maija

PBL Vurriculun
Pirio and Maija kärnä

Problem based learn

What is PBL
student centered learning
small student groups
teacher as facilitad

self directed studying -> tutorials-> individual knowledge acquisition

PBL is not a methodology, it is more then it, it is a philosophy.

Could I make a observation.... yes dear Pirjo..we all waiting for you hehe

The assessment was a group discussion about what is  important to consider on curriculum

we discuss about curriculum what it is...

and Maija show us the program of this class

today café groups

PBL Curriculum - Suzana
PBL tutorials - Maristela
PBL tutors

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2014

Study: Learning with project in TAMK Rami Lethien

Tamk TIKO Learning Concept Implement with agile project methods

TIKO business information system education

Simule learning by doing

Excellent unit of learning


Practical and beautiful

They use CISCO systems

Continue game demonstration 
First years showing a game that they make 

Used for first years in one of the five class

look at the lab with two scream for each student

I want this for my students play and learn as well hehe

Legos to assemble robos
In other place there are just 5 of these

Rami do this in his free time at your 

a place with sofas and coffee for students meetings
We find "chitãozinho e xororó" in Finland, nice guy.

References (thanks Jay1000)

quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014

Study: learning by project 10.09... Kai Hitsane

O PMI – Project Management Institute – é a maior instituição mundial sem fins lucrativos. Foi estabelecida em 1969 e sediada na Pensilvânia, nos EUA. Possui, atualmente mais de 250.000 membros associados em 170 países.
O Brasil foi o primeiro país a constituir um Chapter (Capítulos/Seções) fora dos Estados Unidos, no início da década de 80.

A ABGP – Associação Brasileira de Gerenciamento de Projetos – é filiada ao IPMA (International Project Management Association) desde 2002. O IPMA está registrado na Suíça. 
ZOPP, sigla em alemão de Ziel Orientierte Projekt Planung, que significa "planejamento de projetos orientado por objetivos” que, normalmente vem acompanhado da técnica Metaplan. 


Book in Tamk Library
Gregory Horine: Absolute Beginner's Guide To Project Management 2008 or newer

Project implementation phase

eal = moreia

do phase
amends and changes
=> update the plan
=> documents
=> inform about changes
=> financier very important to became aware is something is changed, it would fit in orçamento
=> are inevitable

why change are inevitable

change in market
new innovations
customers need change
external change, legislations
other projects

change control projects
change in projects must be decided for whom?

differences opinions you discussion and decide, for the management has every thing in his/her head, and so the other there aren't the same information, so they would disagree with some of the changes.

project closure
formalize acceptance, bring the project n orderly end, dissolve the project organization, reward the project organization, communicate about the end and the results of the project.

what could be a reward?
=> could money, some materials, a gift, for stuff,


the market is not growing for years
they have a recession in the beginning of 90th,

russia eastern ucrania, 15% do mercado da Finland  é a russia, so they export are forbidden.

Baltic lituania, letonia 1941 - 1991


Study: Secrets of Curriculun 12-09 Harri Kukkonem

Secrets of curriculum Harri Kukkonem

Do you have a question about curriculum? just one?
mine is: Could curriculum provide everything that we need to get the desired professional and citizen profile?

A metaphor for curriculum is...
The curriculum as an iceberg.

Questions that come out!!!
How do you deal with a person that disturb the process and do not permit thinks going in this way?
Do you think professor are beings in continuos formation or no?

     different levels
Collective process
Comfortability zone
Feeling safe
Space for talking (dialogue)
Teacher is a professional
   - pedagogical
  - interaction

How to overcome the gap between theory and practice?
Why and how to place the responsibility of learning to the students shoulders?
What is the basic ...

The way we lear, our values...

Building Identity

Group activities:
see one of the slides and say what it means and shear with classmates
ours was Understand figure form Kinchin and al 2010

Class 04: mathematic class in physical course

Teacher wait everybody came in
and show each laboratory part, security and how other devices works, even the phone to make emergency phone calls.

after he explain what they have to work.
and they measured t.

after a time he stooped the class and explain some tasks that are necessaries to finish the work.
the students do all the work together and teacher stay back just to take off some doubts.

it is  a learning by doing class... centered student learning

Study: Human being, Knowledge and learning

My concept:

Human being: when I was teaching materials science I always say to my students that the art to work with materials rules our life style and so on, as it was at stone,  bronze and  iron ages. Also said to them that  in archeology to be consider a body as human  that must have tools. And so, from that comes also my former conception of knowledge, that is something to do with change the nature into your favor, or understand it how its work. Learning is something that improves you to do the same thing that others are doing, or telling you how to do it, and also something that you can construct by yourself.

Human being: a conception of human being could be a being that can realize that it is alive. However, in this way I would not considerer little children as human. So it doesn't fix. Human been is a been that live in society but seems that could live alone, that learn alone but learn during the interaction with others. A human been think and feel, and it is the most important thinks.

Knowledge: something that we use to explain nature, and we also use to change it.

Learning: something that we can used to get Knoledge more fast then just observing and talking.

quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2014

Class 02: measurement 1

First Class
These are the first class for student.
teacher make them work in small groups.
they receive apparatus and parts to make friction measurement.
before to make the measurements they have to write in group are they expect to be the results
they have to take the time and the distance that a body takes to stop  and it velocity i the start point
after take the measure.
after make measurement they plotted the experiments results.
at least they show to the classmaters the results that the group found.

Finland Culture: fair

Finland Culture fair

All the time there are a plenty of fair in Finland
When we arrived here It was a sunday that you can expose and sell home made food, it was awesome.
Last sunday there was a car fair, but they di not were selling their cars, but they bring a lot of stuff to sell and expose in front of the car.

Finn does

Finland Culture: Sauna at all

In Brazil people at Finland Embassies told us about the sauna on of most tradicional way of life in Finland.
We have a sauna in Lampikaari our, and near is a lake, near the lake there is a public sauna, and every day a see people came out sauna and jumping the lake. First time I just jump in the trampoline in the frozen lake so cold it was 13C huaaaa. Last sunday I became half Finish I went to sauna and after that I jump in the lake, I think I almost die,  awesome. But for me sauna is too hot 120C.
In Lapinkaari in building that I live there is a sauna, I went there yesterday, after jogging, and it was so warm so relax I enjoy a lot.

a usefull site

Why do you have brasilian frase found is not robbery? (achado não é roubado)
In Finland if you forget a simple umbrella it stay in the place that you forget for more then a week.
we can not take what is not yours.

Class 03: Measurement class 2

Pasi Arvela

Teacher is very present he says how to do , what to do, but after thinks starts to be doing his hole decreased and the students can do more by themselves.

He is teaching how to take values of density of many bodies like bronze and wood.
he explain all the steps as to make the measurement, take notes and in the end like to

After we saw class Sami explain some to us in data show.
He shows his ideas about brain and learn.
10 fisicos
8 matematicos 
? comunication

Observation Class Plan Suzy

Vocational learning

I will observe

  • Degree Programme in Mechanical and Production Engineering
  • polymer class for 12 to 14 on monday?
  • Environmental economics and entrepreneurship monday for 17 for 20. but yesterday is a sunny day and it was almost impossible to stay in class lol
  • Pro-academic
  • High school class
  • vocational education: talk michael
  • mulitcultural social studies: a woman??
Observation Class Plan

My principal aim focus is how teaching could help the cooperatives and associations to succeed in their association and cooperatives to after that make my work with indian!!!

What i want observe
What is the way they encourage teacher to be so different hows it works?
what they work evolved you

What is the specific aim of my project when I observe in class English?
I want observe how teacher management their class to make constructive learn function:

What I must observe in general in English Class
- The pedagogical way:
Social contructivismo
Collaborative learning
What approach they used all the time, if they use traditional resources, watch
I have to learn how to see this stuff.

- The resources
if they have
data show
air condicionar or warm stuff
silence outside
table for teacher
table and class for students
flip chart

- Learning and teacher behavior
They are the owners of knowledge
They transfer knowledge
They motivated students to think or to do
They managers students to work together
They Manager through project
They acting as a teacher, a coordinator or a coating

They respect teacher, trust, pay attention, participate, work individual or together, collaboration in the task, help each other, are motivated, like class, enjoy class

warm up

Topics for blog study plan
1) Objective
2) Obs plan
3) participation in the project
4) research
5) How am I going apply my experiences in my teaching?

Observation Class Plan

My principal aim focus is how teaching could help the cooperatives and associations to succeed in their association and cooperatives to after that make my work with indian!!!

What i want observe
What is the way they encourage teacher to be so different hows it works?
what they work evolved you

What is the specific aim of my project when I observe in class English?
I want observe how teacher management their class to make constructive learn function:

What I must observe in general in English Class
- The pedagogical way:
Social contructivismo
Collaborative learning
What approach they used all the time, if they use traditional resources, watch
I have to learn how to see this stuff.

- The resources
if they have
data show
air condicionar or warm stuff
silence outside
table for teacher
table and class for students
flip chart

- Learning and teacher behavior
They are the owners of knowledge
They transfer knowledge
They motivated students to think or to do
They managers students to work together
They Manager through project
They acting as a teacher, a coordinator or a coating

They respect teacher, trust, pay attention, participate, work individual or together, collaboration in the task, help each other, are motivated, like class, enjoy class

warm up

Topics for blog study plan
1) Objective
2) Obs plan
3) participation in the project
4) research
5) How am I going apply my experiences in my teaching?

I will observe
  • Degree Programme in Mechanical and Production Engineering
  • polymer class for 12 to 14 on monday?
  • Environmental economics and entrepreneurship monday for 17 for 20. but yesterday is a sunny day and it was almost impossible to stay in class lol
  • Pro-academic
  • High school class
  • vocational education talk -  michael
  • mulitcultural social studies
Cisko Material for studying 
she wants know:

formação continuada dos professores daí e sobre a relação entre professores e alunos.
she wants know:
Eu gostaria muito que vc observasse as tecnologias e como são usadas para educão, e também que autores usam.
Oi Lívia
muito obrigada

vou reparar mais nisso e por no blog
do que observei ate agora, é que na maioria das aulas o professor da uma pequena explanação no começo da aula, lança uma atividade para os alunos fazerem em grupo, orienta durante a atividade, até com interrupções esporádicas, e ao final os alunos socializam com toda a classe os seus achados, podem ser atividades de uma aula, de uma semana, de um período ou que dure todo o semestre.
sobre treinamento de professores, os professores de escola vocacionais, que são parecidas com a nossa, devem ter trabalhado na area antes de serem professores, e num prazo dês dois a três anos devem fazer um curso de formação de 60 créditos.
todos os professores são no minimo mestre, d ensino básico, ao vocacional e na universidade, aqui no curso VET todos tem sido doutores até agora.O saláriodo professor é bom, mas não é muito maior do que o pessoal de fora do mundo acadêmico. eles trabalham menos horas em sala de ala que nós.

Mas eu vi aulas que osprofessores mais velhos, quase se aposentando, dao aulas expositoras e com retroprojetor, mas grafas a deus é exceção não regra.
muito obrigada

vou reparar mais nisso e por no blog

até agora o que tenho observado é que dos autores eles não são de falar quais, mas estou lendo uma tese, de uma das professoras aqui sobre mudança conceitual nos professores de e-learning. Porque tenho dificuldade de entender behaviorismo, construtivismo, eles tem os pensadores clássicos, como skinner do primeiro e jung, vigotsky, o cara do gestalt no segundo. mas tem outros que aparecem. Eu particularmente, percebi muitas ferramentas do que seria paulo freire pra mim, primeiro fazem nos apropriarmos da nossa realidade, tanto que foi nós que sugerimos que precisávamos de um tempo p reflexão, onde nos discutiríamos a nossa realidade e a deles da finlandia. E delhe discutir, só nos não nos matamos, porque somos civilizados e é proibido, mas foi essencial este apropriação e entender que apesar de sermos tudo IF, de seguirmos a legislação cada campus, cada instituto é tão diferente e único, respondendo ora as demandas do local, ora interesses políticos (bons ou ruins) ora so dos servidores mesmo. kkk e muita gente nem percebeu que era a didática deles, ficando bem revoltado com a metodologia e tal, um verdadeiro barato. Depois a formação do intinerário do currículo é individualizada, cada um de nos trouxe um projeto e tem um background então temos uma conselheira que é a Sisko, que senta conosco, um de cada vez, ou mais de uma vez,  e nos orienta no sentido de que aulas vamos assistir, devem ser 15 ao todo, e como encaminharemos nossos projetos, ela ficou encantada com nossa autonomia.
sobre tecnologia, eles tem os dois extremos, conseguem fazer aulas com instrumentos simples como flipsharp e post it, ou com equipamentos de medição portáteis que o professor pode preparar uma aula de física pratica, que substitui horas de falácia e o aluno fica sem erros conceituais, como tem laboratórios super equipados nos quais alunos podem desenvolver jogos de celulares no primeiro ano letivo, tem muita muita mesmo interaçao com a industria, e os ambientes... são um must... com salas de professores que pressupõe trabalho em equipe assim, como sala de aulas, inclusive com café e sofá para os estudantes, tudo simples, mas bem arrumadinho, e claro que ainda tem sala com carteira convencional e coisa e tal, não chega a ser aquele desbunde dos colleges do texas, que tem de simulação de hospital um prédio inteiro com a aos, os bonecos e tal, aqui tem algumas salas que simulam o ambiente real de uma enfermaria, mas com bem menos tecnologia que no USA, mas com mais trabalho colaborativo entre os alunos, mas é algo muito limpo, bonito e aconchegante e com muito equipamento para práticas.

vou por fotos e descrições no blog também,
link savio

Não sei se cabe pro grupo, mas vou deixar por enquanto aqui.
Há quanto tempo tem a pro-academica, existe instituiçao de ensino parceira, ou é exclusiva dos alunos da TAMK? a partir de que tempo o aluno da TAMk pode participar da pro-acadmi, ex alunos podem participar, o trabalho na pro-academi direciona p o trabalho em grupo. Ela é uma outra instituiçao ou um deparamento da TAMK, como é sua gestão, há colegiado,conselho? ela fornece cursos? fornece equipamento? disponibilisa espaço para os novos empreendimentos? qual tipo de negocio é mais comum virar empreendedorismo individual, e qual economia solidária. Como implementar nos cursos o trabalho coletivo e a vida do mundo do trabalh? em que teoriam se apoiam? ha na pro-academi visão para associassoes que objetivem inclusão?

segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

Class 01: English 01.09

Class Observation - Suzy
English for student of environmental English

Class Description
First of all, the teacher said hi and checked who was present.
She knew their names and called them by names, all the time, because she had already taught academic English for the class.
She started the class by presenting her partner in class mister Emmanuel Abruquah (Nana). 
She presented the class through a spokesman. This student spoke all the time on behalf of the class, and he said that this is a second year of environmental engineering and that they had already completed the academic English class.
She presented us for them and explained to us that it is the first class and so much explanation could be done.
So she started again and opened the system and said the keyword for the students, and showed them a table with the subject and strategies of a student, she highlight:
it is up to you
...the most important is improve the ability of learning how to improve knowledge and skills in English.
that they would improve the ability to write for nom knowledge people, maybe in next years it would be extremely necessary.
so she start to give information about activities that they will do along semester:
The activities for students one is to know how to behavior in a job interview, they have to visit a blog of workers or something like that. And they make a blog with the research for job and work style and they will discuss in a bolt, and they could contribute in wiki.
again: Teacher say do not matter if we do a great improve in your english by these time but I (teacher) want that you continuem increasing your language skill. 

Teacher speaks on team work that students must find ways to improve write, but no in scientific style, and she sad to make a good title in the post, because these can help others with the same issue. the students have to say what is good or bad in the track found and posted.

Now she gave them the task to write down what they want to learn in this course. 5 min.

She stared each student and asked if task is clear for them 

pay attention
there is a spokesman
many of them are very concentrated in the EAD system, few question teacher or spoke one each other.
the spokesman said that they are form second year engineering they studied and know they are deeper in issue, last year they saw soil engineering, water treatment, whiter fall the courses have connection, with no one issue in your proper ball. 

RS asked
Who do you like the vital system? How is it used?
the spokerman sad thet teachers had differents ways to use it, and sometimes they became lost in what to do. And could help to make a course in how it work.

she showed a table full of differences actives and its grade, there are optional activities amount, and a minimum hold to hit.

she used dialogue class, asking student straight

looking, listening and thinking

Here Ì will write everything I notice in class that I can put in anywhere but I liked or I want to high light or whatever lol

It is up to you 

teachers use it a lot, and it is true, the student is tracking his/her own way.

They work together
It is used to say Finland people are very shy. And almost practical issue intend make students and teacher work together because in their future jobs they will need to know how work together

Sami subonam Physics Teacher

department 2 or 3 times a year
phisician teacher 10 times a year
but they think the better to shear is to work together in on class.

Think as they are

science teacher 400h por ano com a preparação
science applied 720h por ano com a preparação

a biblioteca empresta notebooks e ablets para os alunos

Questões levantadas pelos colegas no Brasil

Como é a carga horária do professor?

qual o numero de aulas
como é a divisão das disciplinas

Existe instituição que atue nos dois níveis como os IF?
there are places institutionin the same place, but they are different, they just rent the same place 

O aluno recebe auxilio financeiro?

letter to a new teacher

Dear Bruna Martinelo,

First of all, We would like to congratulate  you for choosing the Brazilian Federal Institute! 

We would like to introduce you into our learning and teaching environment as you can get to know the best practices of the student's learn path and assessment. 

Considering we are a Federal Institution of professional education, we teach in technical courses in many fields and it is possible to verticalize our offer to vocational degrees as vocational qualifications, bachelors, masters and/or doctors. Many of our teachers give classes in all levels of education, and it will be defined according to an area’s courses demands.  
Our main big challenge is to deal with difference profiles of our students and courses, thus we adopt mainly the social and constructive learning methods.
Regarding our students path, our mission intend to meet their goals and objectives, offering a planned, flexible and multidisciplinary methods, considering their vocation and field choices. In this way, we expect you to bring active and integrative methodologies in your classes, using our informations system and technological support.  
On account of assessment, the most important point is to give students a feedback as they are increasing their knowledge and skills. For this, you should use so many tools as you want to, and always have planned your classes to not fall in traps.  
After all, we would like to invite you to our first week training, where we will tell you a bit more  about other informations and details of our education system, please be there on 08th september, 8 p.m, at the Conference’s Hall.

Best Regards,
Suzy Pascoali

Jaimile Cunha