terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014

Know is up to you...

Reflection Task 2

My goals and objectives
Where I want to be in ten years time in mine teaching/professional life?
I want to be a good work in social incubators in many fields, the field do not matter, we already are work with people, and try do not change too much their way of life,and even so,work week and improve their incomes. My first group of research are indians, and be a practical research in these area. After two years from ago I want to create another incubator in the fields of the fashion and design products.

What are mine objectives for this education
I want to know thinks that practical teachers make the lessons here in Finish.
I want to study and make work in incubator of social economy, cooperative and soon.

Become a teacher

Reflection task 1

Why I choose teaching as a profession
In the begging of my degree I want to work in a laboratory. I liked very much to stay in a laboratory and do research. I wanted to work whit research. When I was in the middle of my graduation I went to do a trainee, and I did not like to work in a industry. However, most of time, in Brasil you have to be a teacher to make research. So I try to find out how to be a teacher and work as a teacher at the and of my master, and I liked more then I like to be a researcher.

How long I have been teaching
I am teacher since I have to work. I was teacher in 1999 an 2000. In the IFSC I began to be a teacher in 2006.

My better and worst teacher
I do not remember my worst teacher, many I wanted to forget it on purpose.
In graduation course there are one that looked strait for mine tests to find something that a have to mistake or forget, just because it was me. Very funny every students went to his office to looking for mistakes in my tests, I do not believe. And at time it seems very funny.
after that I never be the good one again, just in another subject that was so easy to me that I even do not study nothing at all.

My strengths and weaknesses as a teacher
I am very talkative and sometimes this misunderstood the class. I have to plane all my class at the beginning of the term because i could lost the line.
I like do something very different, I reach that in graduation course, but I do not known how to do it in the technical course.